Escalera - Canary Islands
5 minutes after cotillo beach
drive all the way along cotillo and try to get on a road close to the cliff....look out for other cars. park there (use the damn handbrake!!!). to get to the beach you need to descend a very steep and low quality concrete staircase, you will be in danger wearing sandals. either you waer shoes or you go barefoot. sit down on the beach and enjoy the atmosphere! do not forget to feed the chipmunks!
drive all the way along cotillo and try to get on a road close to the cliff....look out for other cars. park there (use the damn handbrake!!!). to get to the beach you need to descend a very steep and low quality concrete staircase, you will be in danger wearing sandals. either you waer shoes or you go barefoot. sit down on the beach and enjoy the atmosphere! do not forget to feed the chipmunks!
- Comprimento da Onda: Short (< 50m)
- Direção do Swell: North, NorthWest, West, NorthEast
- Direção da Onda: Right, Left
- Direção do Vento: North, NorthWest, West, NorthEast
- Tipo do Fundo: Sand & rock