Killaz - Canada

This spot is easy to find.
Drive out from Dartmouth towarg Lawrencetown then pat the beach, then past the Happydudes sighn on the left. Then as your about to turn into Seafourth beach turn right into a driveway. Park there then walk around the point untill you see a cove. in the middle you will see a 3-5 foot wave on a good day. My friend and i found this spot last fall when every spot we knew was closing out.
If you paddle out and catch one note the coral underneath your feet. For some reason this spot has amazingly clear water.

  • Comprimento da Onda: Short (< 50m)
  • Direção do Swell: North, NorthEast
  • Direção da Onda: Right, Left
  • Direção do Vento: North, NorthEast
  • Tipo do Fundo: Rock
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