Laje do sheraton - Rio de Janeiro/RJ

it's at vidigal beach,near sheraton hotel....
Located in front of the Sheraton Hotel, between Leblon and Sao Conrado´s neighborhoods. You have to paddle from the small beach, in front of the hotel. The break is about 900ft from the beach.

  • Comprimento da Onda: Normal (50 to 150m)
  • Direção do Swell: SouthWest, South
  • Direção da Onda: Right, Left
  • Direção do Vento: SouthWest, South
  • Tipo do Fundo: Rock
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Laje do sheraton - Rio de Janeiro/RJ

Solar Surf Rj


Laje do sheraton - Rio de Janeiro/RJ

Solar Surf Rj


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