Palya de Garcey - Canary Islands
go to ajuy and take the road south (fv-617 also leads to pajara and la pared) along the road you will find a really small sign "playa garcey", follow the dirt raod for 30-45 minutes (will take your rented car to the limit) and arrive at an epic beach with the view of what is left over from the wreck of the ss america. surfing close to the ss america is dangerous! there is a hell of a current and the wreck is as sharp as a razor blade. if you want to enjoy the waves and be safer stay northe of the wreck close to the cliff - you get solid waves there and an epic view of the bay!
- Comprimento da Onda: Normal (50 to 150m)
- Direção do Swell: North, NorthWest, SouthWest
- Direção da Onda: Right, Left
- Direção do Vento: North, NorthWest, SouthWest
- Tipo do Fundo: Rock