São Pedro - Guarujá/SP
Go to Guaruja City, it's about 1 hour from Sao Paulo. In Guaruja, take the way that goes to the ferry boat (Guaruja-Bertioga: attention, don't take the way to Guaruja-Santos Ferry this is other one. Before you arrive at the ferry you'll see a sentry box on your right, get in the gate e just go straight ahead until the beach.
Tip: Go early, this point is just for the fist ones. If the parkink is full, you can't pass the gate.
Tip: Go early, this point is just for the fist ones. If the parkink is full, you can't pass the gate.
Comprimento da Onda: Short (< 50m)
- Direção do Swell:
Direção da Onda: Right, Left
Direção do Vento:
Tipo do Fundo: Sand